What Do You Do With an Idea? by Kobi Yamada image
This book may be simple with the most adorable illustrations, but it truly speaks to me as a writer and has touched my heart. It truly deserves the award it received.
Continue ReadingThis book may be simple with the most adorable illustrations, but it truly speaks to me as a writer and has touched my heart. It truly deserves the award it received.
Continue ReadingI first spotted this little book in our local Deseret Bookstore. I don’t remember the actual reason my family went there that day, but when I saw this on the shelf, I was curious and picked it up. I found the concept interesting immediately and a little hilarious; a caterpillar is destined to become a monarch butterfly, but when he hatches from his cocoon, he’s a spider. The premise tickled me, and despite the book being meant for much younger readers than myself, I wanted to buy it. However, my brother crinkled his nose at the very idea and shook his head. “No, Bailey, don’t get that book.” Sadly, I put the book back. But, that did not stop me ...
Continue ReadingI remember more of what happened after reading Rot & Ruin then I do while I was reading it.
Continue ReadingMy bookshelf started when I was just getting into high school. My cousin was leaving for college, and she was desperately trying to get rid of many things in her room so she didn’t leave a bunch of her stuff in her mother’s house. I remember my cousin inviting us over (well, me specifically) because she knew I loved books. I still do. I’m a complete nightmare whenever I walk into a Barnes and Noble, and I almost cried tears of happiness when I walked into Powell’s Book Store for the first time. But, at the time my cousin invited us over, I didn’t have my own personal bookshelf. We had one bookshelf in our house, one that was crammed ...
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