Hello once again, art connoisseurs. Back to review another year of Inktober masterpieces? Well you’re in luck, because this year we are featuring not one, but TWO artists who took the challenge. The magnificently talented author of The Amazing Imagination Machine, Bailey Day, and the also somewhat talented older brother of Bailey Day and host of this year’s art showcase. . .me. Jorel. It’s a double feature, ladies and gentlemen! A clash of pen-and-ink expertise!

Now, without further ado, the art!

Bailey Day’s drawings are on the left. Mine are on the right.

Am I full-time college student attempting to do #Inktober while also writing a novel???


We’ll see if I survive.

Bailey Day, October 1


Bailey Day, October 6

“I just want to say, I’m a huge fan.”

Jorel, October 7

Whoa! Stop the presses! Did you see that flawless ingenuity? Bailey Day used her drawing from Day 6 and upgraded it for Day 7! Just like the spirit’s fans, I am also a fan of Bailey Day’s unique, time-saving strategies.


Jorel, October 10

Fun fact; I love studying bugs, but cannot stand to be close to them in real life.

Bailey Day, October 14

Can I just take a second to brag? That small ink drawing of our dog Smoochy is probably the best thing I have ever drawn. Don’t bother with the horrible compass drawing, the dog is the real focal point of this work. Such fine detail, with subtle nuances of ink value and made with nothing but simple line strokes, it almost looks like the real thing! I’ll pat myself on the back, then we can get on with the second half of drawings

It felt right to complete the picture.

Bailey Day, October 18

Wait a minute, did you catch that? Bailey Day took her drawing from Day 17 and made a second half to it for Day 18! Let’s see how well they match up.

Not bad! Bailey Day never ceases to amaze!

Day 21 is the only day during this year’s Inktober that Bailey and I ended up drawing the same thing. Fuzzies. You know, those enemies from the Super Mario games? I was a bit more “original” with my design, but we both drew Fuzzies, nonetheless. Great minds think alike.

“Based on a true story.”

Jorel, October 22

Wait a minute, something fishy is going on here…why are Bailey Day’s pictures always so much brighter than mine? I mean, her backgrounds are always as stark white as the web page you’re reading this on, while mine are tinted with a hue of natural light! Is she using some sort of image-enhancing software to make her drawings stand out? Well if so, it looks pretty good, not going to lie.

“Pizza time.”

Jorel, October 28

For the last time, Stitches, I don’t want your couch.

Bailey Day, October 29

“This kid risks his social life every year for the Great Pumpkin. You’d think he’d show up for this poor kid!

Bailey Day, Halloween

Wow! Has it been 31 days already? I was just getting into the groove! Oh well. Now that Inktober 2021 is over, I’ll have more time to work on other things. But hey! Bailey Day and I persevered! We made 31 drawings over the course of 31 days, while being college students no less. We’ve completed the challenge! Time to give our drawing hands a rest…

…or at least MY drawing hand. Bailey Day has divulged to me that she wants to keep drawing even after Inktober is finished, and make it a real hobby of hers (Not that it wasn’t a real hobby of hers to begin with)! No more following prompts, no stress about deadlines, she’ll draw whatever her heart desires on her own time. Good for her to keep the pace up even after the challenge! It will give her good practice for some other projects she has in store.

So, which of Bailey Day’s drawings were your favorite? And, to a lesser extent, which of mine were your favorite? And not that this was a competition or that Bailey Day and I have a rivalry or anything, but who do you think won this year’s Inktober between the two of us? Feel free to leave any comments you want on this page.

That’s it. Thanks for tuning in. This is Jorel, telling you that drawing can be fun! And, like other skills, if you keep at it, you’ll improve over time.

Stay healthy, everybody.

(Jorel signing out)